Costs of future government borrowing bogged down by uncertainty
Return rates on government debt tools have been steadily increasing since former…
Fitch Group’s new credit downgrade of Egypt does not take into account recent aid received from the Gulf
The analysts stated that the recent downgrade would not have a large…
Egypt sells $3 billion in bonds at a 3% rate to Qatar
Qatari purchase to help support Egypt’s widening budget deficit
Green Tourism
Minister of Tourism signs a protocol for ‘Green Tourism’ in a press…
Banque Misr, National Bank of Egypt subscribe to $200m in international government bonds
$2.7bn bond package released several days ago on Irish stock market
E-Finance to operate new electronic petroleum subsidies programme
Electronic payments specialist beat joint NBE-Banque Misr bid for the contract
NBE, Banque Misr dump foreign assets
Arab investors nevertheless label Egyptian banking sector ‘promising’
Role of World Food Programme in Egypt
Gian Pietro Bordignon, the director of WFP in Egypt, spoke to Daily…
NBE achieves EGP 2.8bn net profits during FY 2011/12
The National Bank of Egypt's (NBE) public assembly published the bank's financial…
Banking and Insurance Special: Banks to increase car loans portfolio
Betting on their portfolio, Banque du Caire intends to increase car loans…