Tag: NGO law

Second legislative term sees highest number of laws passed since 1866

The parliament concluded the second legislative term with 217 laws passed

Farah Bahgat

Parliament denies NGOs law sent to president

Media reports claiming Al-Sisi returned the law to parliament for amendments are…

Sarah El-Sheikh

Parliament passes NGO Law with two-thirds majority

Travel bans continue to be issued against NGO workers amid local and…

Sarah El-Sheikh

El-Nadeem Centre’s bank account unblocked

El-Nadeem condemns state oppression of centre, civil society and parliament’s restrictive NGO…

Amira El-Fekki

El-Nadeem Centre bank account frozen by order of CBE

The NGO previously faced two closure attempts

Amira El-Fekki

Educational organisation shutters, citing restrictive NGOs law

An educational organisation established after the 25 January Revolution by a prominent…

Emir Nader

Egyptian judiciary violates human rights: German official

Christoph Strässer discusses the Protest Law, freedom of speech and the NGOs…

Aya Nader

Egypt faces UN human rights review in Geneva

UN states question Egypt on rights of assembly and association, torture, gender…

Joel Gulhane

Egypt’s NGOs under threat: rights groups

Civil society groups say their attempts to register have been refused or…

Daily News Egypt

Rights group suggest legislative reforms

Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights suggests reforms to Protest Law and NGO…

Daily News Egypt