Short-term solution for Nile University crisis turned down
Zewail City turns down solution sponsored by Minister of Higher Education and…
Nile University students take first escalation step
Students protest outside the High Court as the student-entrance date for Zewail…
In response to Nile University’s accusations
Zewail city issue a statement on their current legal stance
Nile University students promise escalation
Students from Nile University will demonstrate on disputed property next Monday
Nile University students clash with Zewail security
Zewail Science City continues to disregard court order
Nile University still awaiting verdict to go into effect
The verdict gives the university sole ownership of three disputed buildings
Administrative Court dismisses Zewail’s challenges
Court: students’ futures must not be endangered
Students march against government
Students march towards ministry of higher education, raising various demands
Prime minister supports Zewail Science City
The current government’s decision to support Ahmed Zewail’s claim to disputed land…
Nile University students respond to Zewail
Students hold a press conference and distribute documents they allege prove their…