Tag: no military trials

Military court sentences 20 civilians for armed forces assault

One of the defendants refused lawyer, citing he did not recognise legitimacy…

Aya Nader

Detainee on hunger strike transferred to intensive care: sister

EOHR expresses concerns over deteriorating health of detainees on hunger strike

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

Al Jazeera journalist detention hearing postponed

Abdullah Elshamy, detained since the dispersal of sit-ins at Rabaa Al Adaweya,…

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

Wife of detained Al Jazeera journalist accuses NCHR of not doing their job

“We are willing to resign if this would help the case,” NCHR…

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

Activists call for journalists’ release

Human rights activists also called for release of all political detainees regardless…

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

NoMilTrials protest dispersed; prominent activists detained

33 arrested inside Shura Council prompts 10 Constituent Assembly members to suspend…

Mostafa Salem

No Military Trials for Civilians lists problems with draft article

The campaign calls on committee members to vote against a constitutional provision…

Basil El-Dabh

Activist groups protest at Shura Council against military trials

Activists threaten to vote no on new constitution if article passes

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

No Military Trials calls upon Constituent Assembly to ban military trials for civilians

Group attends second listening session in assembly regarding military trials

Rana Muhammad Taha

Military verdicts for civilians condemned

Independent human rights groups decry verdicts; NCHW calls on Constituent Assembly to…

Rana Muhammad Taha