Significant decline in quality of mobile internet in May: NTRA

The report also showed that Etisalat came in first place among mobile…

Mohamed Alaa El-Din

NTRA apprehends company for possession of illegal international call devices

The National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA), the police, and Telecom Egypt have…

Daily News Egypt

Etisalat demands fair market regulations before 4th operator TE enters

We have not reached an agreement with TE about infrastructure rental prices…

Mohamed Alaa El-Din

NTRA advises TE with terms and conditions for 4G licence

50% of licence's value will be collected in US dollars

Daily News Egypt

Etisalat tops internet quality ranking in March

Egypt’s three mobile operators undergo 14,000 online streaming tests, says NTRA

Mohamed Alaa El-Din

NTRA monitors decline in call quality in Greater Cairo during March

Orange provides the lowest-quality voice services, while Vodafone has the lowest mobile…

Mohamed Alaa El-Din

Fewer obstacles in internet sector compared to communications: NTRA

If organisational difficulties were eliminated, we would be able to spread nationwide,…

Mohamed Alaa El-Din

Decline in quality of mobile services in February

Etisalat rated best, Orange worst in terms of number of dropped calls,…

Mohamed Alaa El-Din

NTRA tests mobile quality in Greater Cairo with 30,800 calls

Etisalat is the worst in mobile internet in January 2016 report

Mohamed Alaa El-Din

NTRA monitors overall decline in quality of voice calls

Vodafone tops voice call quality, while Mobinil comes first in data transmission…

Mohamed Alaa El-Din