Elections begin for expelled MP Okasha’s seat
Sixteen out of 28 candidates were accepted to run for the vacant…
Okasha acquitted of assault charges against employee
EMPC employee accused Okasha of attacking her after car accident
Wounds and medicines of Sinai
Analyst Khaled Okasha and Sinai activist Said Ateeq present an image closer…
Military analysts react to attack on navy vessel off Damietta coast
The operation is escalation of militancy against army, says expert
Administrative Court postpones verdict on Constituent Assembly validity
Judge Mohamed Keshta set to issue the verdict on 8 October
Tawfik Okasha found not guilty of insulting the president
Thirty cases have been filed against the controversial television host.
Okasha: a mere political amusement
The news that the trial of Tawfik Okasha, the controversial media figure…
Okasha’s trial for inciting violence against Morsy postponed
Trial of the controversial media figure postponed to Saturday
Okasha running next presidential elections
The controversial media figure intends to run for presidency, form a new…
His annoying Brothers
The Muslim Brothers and their people seem to have reached the dizzying…