Editor’s letter: The real countdown to the brotherhood’s fall
A countdown to the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood’s rule started over…
Review: Columnists discuss Iranian tourists in Egypt, condemn Morsi’s big mistakes
Writers in several newspapers hve focused their commentaries on the recent group…
Egypt lifts cooking gas prices, why it’s trivial
By Farah Halime How fitting that on April Fool’s Day, the Egyptian…
Strange Days…
Think tankers and policy researchers working on Egypt in the States do…
Reactionary not progressive: Egypt’s economic policy
By Farah Halime In a desperate move to save power, Egypt’s international…
Targeting Activists in the Ikhawni state
On Friday night in Alexandria, well-known activist Mahienour Al-Masry, together with several…
In a Maadi apartment
“Between the opposite ends of two ridiculous extremes, lies a true Egypt…
Who Cut Egypt’s Cable?
By Daniel Nisman On 28 March, the Egyptian military stunned the tech…
Egypt’s Islamist Groupies
There are few Egypt’s president can rely on more in these economic…