Tag: opinion

The ‘insult’ of political criticism

By Nick Gjorvad Few would argue against the maxim that freedom of…

Daily News Egypt

Tahrir Squared: the discussion continues

There is no stopping the train, and it is important to do…

H.A. Hellyer

Why do Islamists hate Valentine’s Day?

By Nervana Mahmoud “Valentine’s Day represents for the Christians, a celebration of…

Daily News Egypt


The blame game is fun, but it never works

Mahmoud Salem

Rebel Economy Wrap

Egypt runs out of cash for diesel subsidies

Daily News Egypt

Review: Op-Eds criticise sexual harassment and nepotism

Writers in Egyptian newspapers explored the expanding phenomenon of sexual harassment, which…

Daily News Egypt

Riding the revolution

Ever since reading Khaled Al Khamissi’s Taxi a few years ago, I’ve been striking…

Daily News Egypt

Review: Fallen statues and fighters

Commentaries discuss the recent attacks on statues of famous Egyptians, including writer…

Daily News Egypt

Red hearts on a torched truck

A photo of a torched CSF truck painted with red hearts near…

Sara Abou Bakr