Tag: opinion

Rebel Economy Wrap

“Quickie court cases” must stop, South Korea eyes Egypt, KSA jobless

Fady Salah

Shape up or ship out

Dr. H.A. Hellyer: Shape up or ship out

Fady Salah

Who really profits from Islamists rise to power?

Foreigners always claim that support for Islamists in Egypt stems solely from…

Fady Salah

Sweet revenge sours

Philip Whitfield: Sweet revenge sours

Fady Salah


The mood in the office yesterday was sour, with people being sad…

Mahmoud Salem

Egyptian women and Morsy

You have to have lived in Egypt to understand what I am…

Fady Salah

Rebel Economy Wrap

Citadel’s New Energy Chief, Centamin Spat, Mubarak-Era Projects

Fady Salah

From the other side

The other Islam

Fady Salah

Post Bashar Syria: Local, Global and Regional Players.

The United States has probably started on the bad side of Syria…

Fady Salah

Review: The referendum and then what?

Egyptians are at the edge of their seat to know the results…

Fady Salah