Tag: opinion

Editor’s letter: Beneath the Belgian chocolate crust

Beneath the Belgian chocolate crust

Maher Hamoud

Human rights corner: Let’s not forget activists in Bahrain

Bahrain highlights the use of double standards when defending human rights.

Daily News Egypt

Review: Constituent Assembly and relative court decision

As many Egyptians awaited the Supreme Administrative Court decision regarding the second…

Daily News Egypt

Review: Columnists ask why the army is angry?

Many writers have focused on a recent public debate over false news…

Daily News Egypt

The Angry “Liberal”?

In any ideological struggle or clash of discourses original ideas may not…

Mustafa Salama

An Authoritarian Relapse?

The current circumstances under which the constitution is being drafted does not…

Daily News Egypt

The good Muslim

Religion has become the newest weapon of choice turning religious practice from…

Sara Abou Bakr

Review: Authority, legitimacy and the rule of law

The failed ouster of Abdel Meguid Mahmoud and the violence in Tahrir…

Daily News Egypt

Inside political Islam: the borders between moderates and extremists

Over the last few weeks, the Muslim Brotherhood has aligned with the…

Farid Zahran

The untouchable old guard

Some keep saying that the “third hand” has disappeared with the ascendency…

Rana Allam