Mansour describes passing constitution as a ‘good choice’
Interim president addresses the nation without resolving the issue of whether presidential…
Mansour holds second national dialogue session over the roadmap
Interim president establishes fact-finding committee to look into violent incidents of the…
Al-Tayar Al-Sha’aby calls for Yes vote in constitutional referendum, supports Sabahy for Presidency
Coalition calling on President Mansour to call for presidential elections immediately after…
Mansour holds first national dialogue on roadmap
Several political movements and youth representatives participated in the seven-hour exchange
Bagato supports SCC verdicts
Minister of state agreed with verdicts on Shura Council and Constituent Assembly…
Women’s groups troubled by draft elections law
Women’s groups were hopeful that the elections law would guarantee greater representation…
National dialogue discusses new parliamentary elections law
Proposals for elections law are offered as part of government orchestrated dialogue