Tag: play

Tahrir Monologues, the movie

Now the movie of Tahrir Monologues has been released the project will…

Daily News Egypt

Kidzania Cairo, a city where children play and learn

The edutainment concept of KidZania teaches children about the real world by…

Daily News Egypt

The Arab world through the eyes of a clown

Utopia adapts the 1974 play, The Clown, to address some current issues…

Thoraia Abou Bakr

El Warsha combines art with development

El Warsha organises a variety of activities for both the young and…

Daily News Egypt

Students stage Shakespearean stunner

The American University in Cairo’s rendition of A Midsummer Night’s Dream proves…

Emily Crane

White rabbits and their inevitable redness

An unusual performance involves the audience and urges them to ponder on…

Thoraia Abou Bakr

The struggle for freedom now showing at the theatre

The play revolves around the struggle for freedom against oppression and is…

Daily News Egypt

Teatro Independent Theatre: Enlightening the masses

The theatre group performed Sartre’s No Exit at the Jeunes Créateurs Festival,…

Thoraia Abou Bakr

Kesey’s cuckoo classic is adapted for Arabic stage

The performance will be called Asfour Tall Men El Shebbak. gives a…

Daily News Egypt

Play proceeds despite censors’ concerns

Although they were called to remove scenes which criticised the current regime,…

Daily News Egypt