Tag: propaganda

Vitamin D deficiency in women: Propaganda or critical health issue?

Most medical labs in Egypt offered discounts and promotions for vitamin D…

Nehal Samir

Revisiting the concept of propaganda through art

While expressions like "fake news" and "alternative facts" are part of everyday…

Deutsche Welle

Limitations of illusion and cheap propaganda

Give me my freedom, release my hands Indeed, I've given you yours…

Mohamed El Saadany

Why trying to defeat the ‘Islamic State’ online misses the point

The 'Islamic State' is widely considered to be winning the social media…

Deutsche Welle

In Cartoon: Us Israeli Propaganda

  Cartoon by Mohamed Sabry

Daily News Egypt

The ‘free press’ under his presidency

Al-Sisi assured African journalists that there is 'press freedom'

Amira El-Fekki

On nationalism, dry drilling, and patriotic promotion: How the Suez Canal opening was presented to the masses

Describing the drilling of the new canal as “legendary,” state media outlets…

Adham Youssef

The myth of the underdog

Could it all be just a big bubble? How big will the…

Mohamed El-Bahrawi

Syria dispatches: Robert Fisk’s independence

The reports from Syria of the journalist Robert Fisk raise serious questions…

Daily News Egypt