Ukraine PM resigns, MPs scrap protest laws to ease crisis
The European Union and United States cranked up pressure on Yanukovych to…
Putin: Western states must bring Syrian opposition to peace talks
Russia, which backs Assad, and the United States, which supports the opposition,…
US not being replaced: Fahmy
Foreign minister meets acting US ambassador in light of Russian delegation’s visit,…
Foreign Ministers stress importance of Egypt-Russia relationship
Fahmy congratulates Russian diplomacy following US-Russia agreement on Syria chemical weapons
US, Russia in crucial Syria talks after Putin appeal
Revealing details of the proposal for the first time Thursday, Russian daily…
Fahmy to travel to Russia
Russian and Egyptian foreign ministers to hold discussion in Russia later this…
Putin, Cameron, discuss Syria in late night talks
Cameron and Putin met on the sidelines of the G20 summit in…
Putin demands proof as Obama gains support for Syria strike
Putin's comments came as US lawmakers began rallying behind President Barack Obama's…
Putin, Rowhani agree chemical weapon use ‘impermissible’
The two presidents discussed the Syrian conflict "at the initiative of the…
US-Russia relations in White House press conference
US President Barack Obama is to hold a rare White House news…