Tag: regime

Al-Beltagy urges in-depth investigation of Nakhnoukh’s ties to former regime

FJP leading member insists on crime boss’s association with violent incidents

Basil El-Dabh

Editor’s letter: The fading of moral references

While riding home in a taxi one night last week, a small…

Maher Hamoud

Mekki confronts backlash over emergency law proposal

Following his emergency law proposal, Mekki meets civil society and human rights…

Ahmed Aboulenein

NoMilTrials: Arresting change

Despite the worrying number of men and women still facing military trial…

Rana Muhammad Taha

Review: Sinai, Morsy’s independence and liberal powers

Although President Morsy has commenced his first trip to China, which will…

Daily News Egypt

Land disputes threaten student facilities

Members of the NU conduct a sit-in, opposing confiscating their campus buildings

Basil El-Dabh

Internal Memo 21581-2012

The army is one of the country’s largest and richest business empires…

Mahmoud Salem

Opinion pages kept busy with 24 August protests and Morsy’s visit to Iran

As three days passed after the 24 August anti-Morsy protests were organised,…

Daily News Egypt

Nakhnoukh “Prince of Thugs” feud with Al-Beltagy

Nakhnoukh claimes his arrest was influenced by the FJP, says his firearms…

Basil El-Dabh

Dictatorship through democracy

New emergency law threatens to severely curb freedom

Ahmed Aboulenein