Tag: researchers

Researchers monitor CO2 leakage sites on ocean floor

Injecting CO2 deep below seabed can help mitigate climate change

Daily News Egypt

Researchers reveal oldest fossilised traces of motility on Earth

Deposits allowed researchers to re-date appearance of multi-cellular life on earth to…

Daily News Egypt

Researchers predict early mortality in acute myeloid leukemia patients

Data from 40 patients with acute myeloid leukemia was included in the…

Daily News Egypt

All the world’s a chip

It is not very fast and only works in freezing temperatures -…

Deutsche Welle

Japanese researchers grow skin and hair using reprogrammed stem cells

Japanese researchers have bred skin tissue out of reprogrammed stem cells. The…

Deutsche Welle

What the Zika virus really looks like

Researchers have now discovered the structure of the Zika virus. This helps…

Deutsche Welle

Bureaucratic, legal obstacles curb freedom of scientific research: AFTE

Legally, agency must give permission for researchers to conduct field research, says…

Nourhan Fahmy

Conflict surrounds Khufu Cartouche sentence

Although the convicted researchers admit that they took samples out of the…

Daily News Egypt