Qandil appointment highlights water crisis
Appointment of new prime minister highlights Egypt’s critical shortage in water, fuel…
Clinton aide accused of Muslim Brotherhood ties facing threats
Fellow Republicans, Muslim Brotherhood quick to dismiss allegations
Thousands of Syrian refugees continue massive exodus into neighbouring countries
With the Syrian crisis taking on differing challenging security and political dimensions…
Controversy over 23 July Celebrations
SCAF stresses importance of the day and Army’s critical role since
A New Arab World: local, regional and international transformations
Essam Al-Eryan, a leading Muslim Brotherhood figure who also heads the Committee…
January vs. July
The January 25th revolutionaries believe in their heart of hearts that their…
Ramadan TV series trumps politics
While political debate in Egypt had at one point taken on a…
Review: July 1952 Revolution’s 60th anniversary hits Egyptian commentary
Egypt's most prominent writers reflect their opinions about the revolution of July…
On the 60th Anniversary of the July 23 Revolution: what about the Junta and the Brotherhood?
By: Alia Essam It could have hardly been imagined by the Free…