Tag: security

Border security is a ‘sacred mission’: Defence minister

More arrested as security campaign in Sinai continues

Hend Kortam

Mubarak awaits court ruling, due on 27 September

Mubarak’s interior minister Al-Adly described 25 January as a conspiracy and 30…

Hend Kortam

Explosion in Maadi causes child minor injuries

Security forces inspecting the area afterwards found two similar explosive devices and…

Daily News Egypt

HRW to release report on Rabaa, despite denial of staff’s entry into Egypt

This is the first time ever for HRW staff to be refused…

Hend Kortam

Final death sentences handed to 12 for policeman’s death in Kerdasa

The policeman was shot dead during a massive security operation in the…

Hend Kortam

Car bomb explodes, another prevented in Giza

Rural village rocked by early morning explosion killing 3

Aaron T. Rose

Aid convoy to Gaza forced to turn back

Convoy prepared by group of political movements stopped at the border for…

Rana Muhammad Taha

At least 7 dead in airport clashes amid mounting concerns on Libya violence

Amid escalating violence, voices calling on Libyan parties to end fighting and…

Hend Kortam

Egypt’s Army Chief of Staff meets Libyan counterpart to discuss border security

Military leaders discuss means of securing common border and halt illegal crossing

Daily News Egypt

Egypt’s foreign minister meets Libyan counterpart

Foreign ministers discuss latest developments in North African country, prepare for conference…

Daily News Egypt