Conflicting accounts of Sinai checkpoint storming
Accounts differ as to the sequence of events leading to the incident…
Security checkpoint in Sheikh Zewaid attacked
Unknown assailants open fire near Second Field Army commander
Bedouins contracted to provide security in Sinai industrial zones
Abd al-Ghani al-Absiri, Chairman of the 15th of May Investors Organisation, stated…
Attacks continue in Sinai
Two dead and six injured in attacks on central security camp and…
Pro-Morsi protesters at Cairo University
Supporters of the ousted president are on high alert amid tight security…
Army arrests 11 in Sinai attacks
One dead and four injured in attacks on security checkpoints and civil…
Mansour issues first constitutional declaration
Declaration comprises of two articles only; dissolves Shura Council and appoints security…
Attack on the home of Muslim Brotherhood Leader
Deputy Supreme Guide Khairat El-Shater’s family made statements detailing the attack
Lack of Security: One Year in Power
Insecurity breeds vigilante justice, Residents across Egypt perceive crime as rising, with…