Tag: sermon

Pope Tawadros II holds weekly Wednesday sermon without live audience 

Church halts all education services and theology schools but keeps daily Mass 

Daily News Egypt

Upcoming unified Friday sermon to discuss ‘cleanliness’

While a number of preachers have expressed discontent with the condition, a…

Adham Youssef

State-sanctioned Friday sermon mandates ‘blessing of security’

Ministry's announcement equated security with “food and water”, calling it an element…

Adham Youssef

Legal steps pave the way to restricting airing of religious sermons

Moves made to restrict and unify content of Friday sermons and syllabus…

Daily News Egypt

Pope Tawadros II meets Moussa to discuss constitutional amendments

Church representative in the Constituent Assembly also in attendance; debate continues over…

Fady Ashraf

Pope Tawadros II prays for Egypt

The Coptic pope thanks Morsy and prays for his safety and guidance…

Liliana Mihaila