Tag: shahira amin

Anger over unmet expectations

It was as if the clock had turned back to those fateful…

Shahira Amin

The battle against female genital mutilation

The first time female genital mutilation was discussed openly in Egypt was…

Shahira Amin

Morsy faces choice, militancy or moderation?

The militant ambush on a police patrol in North Sinai bears the…

Shahira Amin

The price of broken promises

This week I am in Houston, Texas. I am here to give…

Shahira Amin

Mobs use violence to keep women away from Tahrir

The mob attack on France 24 Correspondent Sonia Didri near Tahrir Square…

Shahira Amin

Jordan’s women celebrate success

Eman Hylooz is a Jordanian Computer Science graduate and a successful young…

Shahira Amin

Egyptian women struggle for equality and freedom

Nearly twenty months after last year's mass uprising that toppled President Hosni…

Shahira Amin

Keeping the peace

Should Islamist rule in Egypt be cause for growing Israeli concern or…

Shahira Amin

Egypt at a crossroads

Seventeen months after the revolution, Egypt is vastly different from the country…

Shahira Amin

Ending the Legacy of Hatred

Egyptians reacted with shock and grief to the news of an armed…

Shahira Amin