Russia proposes Ukraine debt restructuring
On the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Turkey, Russia has made…
G20 economies back clampdown on tax avoidance
The group of G20 leading economies has endorsed an action plan to…
Paris, Syria overshadow G-20 summit in Turkey
World leaders have come together for a two day G-20 summit in…
EU to hold special summit with Turkey on refugee crisis
EU officials have announced they will hold talks with Ankara over ways…
Careem acquires funding worth $60m
Abraaj Group is a lead investor in the new deal for the…
Most Syrian refugee children in Turkey are not in school: HRW
Over 400,000 Syrian refugee children in Turkey are not being educated, Human…
Vienna talks basis for discussion between Shoukry and Syrian opposition delegation
Syrian opposition delegation affirmed their keenness on reaching a political solution
Turkey after elections: Autocracy or democracy?
The victory of Turkey's Islamist rooted Justice and Development Party (AKP) -…
In probe into supporters of Erdogan foe Gulen, Turkey detains senior bureaucrats, police
Police in Turkey have detained 35 people, including senior bureaucrats and police…
Turkey’s elections response to ‘bloody putschists’ in Egypt, Syria: Brotherhood entities
The Islamist-rooted AKP gained just under 50% of the vote, according to…