Egyptian Automotive Dealers Association halts imports for November
The Egyptian Automotive Dealers Association held a meeting for leading car importers…
US dollar exchange rate stable on 1st day of Egyptian pound’s complete flotation
Sunday marks the first day of the Egyptian pound’s complete flotation in…
Electricity Ministry may cease negotiations for new equipment purchases following pound flotation
Offers and prices of companies changed after the US dollar exchange rate…
Increased cash support for subsidy cardholders is not enough: expert
Egypt floated its currency on Thursday, allowing it to fall from its…
30% hike in inflation rate in short term: Beltone Financial
The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) announced on Thursday that it is…
Banks confused over US dollar pricing during first 3 days after flotation
Chaos is normal since this is the first time for Egypt, but…
Bank are free to price the US dollar: CBE
This comes after the CBE fully floated the exchange rate on Thursday…
US dollar registers EGP 14.3 for sale at private banks
The price of the euro against the national currency reached EGP 14.66…
Informal US dollar rate expected to drop if banks refrain from accepting foreign exchange
Current procedures by government, CBE target to reduce demands for US dollar, and we should work on increasing…
CBE consideres obliging banks to not accept foreign currency from anonymous sources
The move aims to lay siege to the informal market and crack…