Tag: victims

Calls for retribution on second anniversary of ‘Maspero massacre’

Political movements call for trials of those responsible for the killings; protests…

Rana Muhammad Taha

El-Beblawi’s government is a failure: Association for Victims of the Muslim Brotherhood Regime

Association highlights faults of current government in dealing with victims.

Shaimaa Raafat

Suez Criminal Court rules innocent all accused of killing protesters

Suez saw 17 protesters killed, 300 injured during 25 January Revolution

Fady Ashraf

Islamists comment on Friday protests

NCSL and the Muslim Brotherhood blame army and the police while army…

Nouran El-Behairy

Report: 359 torture cases during Morsi’s first year in power

NGOs track torture cases in commemoration of the International Day Against Torture

Rana Muhammad Taha

Stalling in Mo’awad Adel’s case

Despite the court verdict, the comatose protester’s health remains neglected

Rana Muhammad Taha

Protests in Port Said over exclusions from victims’ funds

Dead from Port Said's latest clashes not counted among revolutionary victims

Rana Muhammad Taha

Human rights group demands compensation from minister of interior

The Arab Organisation for Penal Reform calls on the Ministry of Interior…

Hend Kortam

On the ICC’s Birthday: Give the Gift of Hope

By Judge Sang-Hyun Song, President of the International Criminal Court Ten years…

Daily News Egypt

Investigation into Meet Ghamr incident

Families of victims press accusations against police officers

Rana Muhammad Taha