Tag: violence

Review: Columnists discuss Iranian tourists in Egypt, condemn Morsi’s big mistakes

Writers in several newspapers hve focused their commentaries on the recent group…

Ethar Shalaby

Stalemate at MIU

Students will not leave campus until Hamdy Hassan resigns, administration will not…

Emily Crane

HarassMap: More than half of sexual harassment takes the form of groping

The anti-sexual harassment initiative’s statistics come from its recently released annual report

Hend Kortam

Activists detained in Alexandria

Thirteen detainees including lawyers accused of damaging Al-Raml police station

Salma Hegab

MIU deals with aftermath of Tuesday violence

Classes have been suspended until further notice as administration and student union…

Emily Crane

The coverage of violence against women

Egyptian women experience various forms of discrimination in public and private life.…

Sarah El Masry

Review: Op-eds warn from expected violence

Several writers have warned of more expanding violence in the coming period.…

Daily News Egypt

Violence flares at MIU

Students and private security forces attacked each other as protests turned violent…

Emily Crane

International concern over human rights after violence across Egypt

US State Department, European Neighbourhood Policy and Freedom House make recommendations to…

Emily Crane

Muslim Brotherhood takes legal action regarding Moqattam clashes

Brotherhood lawyer accuses 169 people of being involved in the violence, calls…

Nouran El-Behairy