Prerequisites for peace
As one who for decades has supported a two-state solution and the…
With a Grain of Salt : Incomplete Joy
I rarely find any coverage in the US media of one recurring…
The Case for Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Last fall, the United Kingdom issued a major government report on global…
Afghanistan and the Future of Nato
Things aren't going well in Afghanistan. Sometime at the turn of 2001/2002,…
Avoiding responsibility
The Israeli demand to be recognized as a Jewish state was not…
Will Ex-Mexicans Choose America's Next President?
Among the many surprises during the Republican Party presidential candidates' debates a…
The "Browning" of African Technology
Forget MIT. Hello, Tsing Hua University. For Clothilde Tingiri, a hot young…
Would that the Walls were Holy
The Jewish, Christian, and Muslim spiritual imaginations vortex around Jerusalem, the holy…
In focus: In Search of a third bloc
It seems that today Egypt is divided between two currents: One is…