Tag: Wael Ghonim

Why Vote?

As an Australian citizen, I voted in the recent federal election there.…

Peter Singer

From Madrid to Annapolis: peace conferences are not enough

As Palestinian and Israeli leaders were meeting at the Annapolis Naval Base…

Daily News Egypt

Academic freedom and the battle for university independence

Discussions about university independence have recently gained new momentum. The agenda of…

Daily News Egypt

Views: How Egypt celebrates international human rights day

December 10 was the anniversary of the International Declaration of Human Rights.…

Daily News Egypt

WITH A GRAIN OF SALT: Two-faced Politics

One of the most significant outcomes of Colonel Qaddafi's recent visit to…

Daily News Egypt

We must all reach out: Queen Rania on Oprah

As a Muslim who loves Islam, I certainly feel sad knowing that…

Daily News Egypt

Recovering America's "Smart Power"

The United States needs to rediscover how to be a "smart power.…

Daily News Egypt

Peace is not about justice

Justice is the glue that holds society together. Without an agreed system…

Daily News Egypt

Pakistan democracy: forget the uniform, it's about the robe

President Musharraf finally took off his uniform last week, handing over command…

Daily News Egypt

How to Worry

Since time immemorial, people have worried about the earth's future. We once…

Daily News Egypt