Tag: Wael Ghonim

Legislating History

In October, the Spanish parliament passed a Law on Historical Memory, which…

Ian Buruma

Bangladesh: Basket case or recipe for success?

Out in the ravaged fields, days after Cyclone Sidr hit Bangladesh, the…

Daily News Egypt

Finding understanding in a teddy bear

The case of a teddy bear in a Khartoum classroom has become…

Daily News Egypt

In Focus: The Egyptian bureaucracy rebels

Would anyone have imagined that the employees of Egypt's over 5000-year-old bureaucracy…

Man or Monster?

The appearance of the first former Khmer Rouge leader in a special…

Daily News Egypt

Choosing the Annapolis road

The ink on the joint Israeli-Palestinian understanding is dry, the delegates have…

Daily News Egypt

No democracy without Muslim citizenry

Discussions of a democratic deficit in the Middle East are not new.…

Daily News Egypt

Refugees and Jerusalem: An economic outlook

Last week, former deputy minister for economic affairs in the Palestinian Authority,…

Daily News Egypt

Killing the Death Penalty

It is finally happening. After 13 years of negotiations, delays, and hesitation,…

Daily News Egypt

The settlers will survive Annapolis

The Annapolis conference was primarily an instance of political theater rather than…

Daily News Egypt