Tag: Wael Ghonim

A letdown even to skeptics

Even those who had modest expectations for the Annapolis conference were disappointed…

Daily News Egypt

NO to violence against women: breaking walls of silence

November 25 marked the annual day for violence against women. It was…

Daily News Egypt

Post-Islamism: Reconciling liberal democracy with Islam

Muslim dictatorships have caused a lot of frustration. These days Islamists -…

Daily News Egypt

Vladimir de Gaulle?

The greatest disappointment of the post-communist era has been the failure of…

Robert Skidelsky

Climate change and development: The central challenge of our time

Imagine that a huge asteroid is hurtling towards Earth. Scientists tell us…

Daily News Egypt

Qatif rape case: a catalyst for change?

Recently in Saudi Arabia, a young woman from the town of Qatif…

Daily News Egypt

The middle road

AMMAN - So much for Hamas hope. Those willing to give the…

Daily News Egypt


President Vladimir Putin turned Russia' parliamentary election into a referendum on himself…

Daily News Egypt

Asia in the world

Before I became the UN's Secretary-General, I was an Asian diplomat. While…

Daily News Egypt

In Focus: The Autumn of Arab Islamists

Are Arab Islamists on the threshold of political decline? Humble election results…