Fresh water makes good neighbors
You're back, and you're in one piece! is a phrase that I…
Techniques of deception: From Popper to Rove and back
In his novel 1984, George Orwell chillingly described a totalitarian regime in…
Sadat's Journey, 30 Years After
If "one man of courage makes a majority, as Andrew Jackson said,…
IN FOCUS: A True Civil Society
You'd be wrong to think that the current opposition parties in Egypt…
Guarding optimism
The skeptics have unassailable arguments: History and a consistent record of failure…
Furnace cities
It's possible to see, right now, what global warming will eventually do…
The soft power of the United Nations
Joseph Stalin once dismissed the relevance of "soft power by asking, "How…
Groundbreaking event in Muslim-Christian solidarity
The future of the world depends on peace between Muslims and Christians.…
The stressful life of laboratory animals
Research on animals is performed to gain more knowledge about diseases and…
Can anything slow the dollar's fall?
"Dollar denial, that state of willful blindness in which bankers and central…