The Brotherhood will stand up for all Egyptians
Reading Mona Eltahawy s opinion article, I will stand up for the…
Letters to the editor Israeli film
In reference to article titled "Egypt festival launches barrage against Israeli film…
Empowering Europe
Barring a last-minute change of heart, European heads of government will sign…
Countdown to the November conference
Less than two months remain before the still unannounced November date for…
I will stand up for the Muslim Brotherhood
NEW YORK: The first time I went to interview the Muslim Brotherhood,…
Away from politics, spending Ramadan in a Christian monastery
WASHINGTON, DC: After 9/11, as many Americans began to learn more about…
A Mideast real estate deal
A tiny, disputed parcel of land called Shebaa Farms, located where Israel,…
Talk to him
Marwan Barghouti is, in my opinion, the next leader of the Palestinians.…
The Iraqi crisis and efforts wasted
Amidst the solemn situation in Iraq, some are beginning to speak of…