Tag: Wael Ghonim

Yes to Israel-Syria talks, but talk "Lebanon" first

For many Lebanese, Syrian involvement in regional peace negotiations is only desirable…

Daily News Egypt

Message from the Prophet is clear: coexist

WASHINGTON, DC: As the world watches the terrible eruption of violence between…

Daily News Egypt

The importance of meeting face-to-face

In 2004 I went to Qom, Iran to participate in a conference…

Daily News Egypt

An Opium Alternative for Afghanistan

Afghanistan's president Hamid Karzai recently came out swinging at the West again,…

Daily News Egypt

Fasting or feasting during Ramadan?

Having lived in Egypt for a few months now, nothing about Ramadan…

Daily News Egypt

Overcoming us and them

LONDON: Racism is, among many things, convenient. It provides simplified, definite and…

Daily News Egypt

The Rise of Mid-Level Powers

The security environment since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the…

Daily News Egypt

Sarkozy, neo-Gaullist?

An American with a French passport , Bush s new poodle ,…

Daily News Egypt

YOUTH VIEWS: Four steps to appreciating diversity

BEIRUT: I had two articles due, a term paper to write and…

Daily News Egypt

The Lebanese Labyrinth

Lebanon is poised to hold a presidential election that none of its…

Daily News Egypt