Yes to Israel-Syria talks, but talk "Lebanon" first
For many Lebanese, Syrian involvement in regional peace negotiations is only desirable…
Message from the Prophet is clear: coexist
WASHINGTON, DC: As the world watches the terrible eruption of violence between…
The importance of meeting face-to-face
In 2004 I went to Qom, Iran to participate in a conference…
An Opium Alternative for Afghanistan
Afghanistan's president Hamid Karzai recently came out swinging at the West again,…
Fasting or feasting during Ramadan?
Having lived in Egypt for a few months now, nothing about Ramadan…
Overcoming us and them
LONDON: Racism is, among many things, convenient. It provides simplified, definite and…
The Rise of Mid-Level Powers
The security environment since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the…
YOUTH VIEWS: Four steps to appreciating diversity
BEIRUT: I had two articles due, a term paper to write and…
The Lebanese Labyrinth
Lebanon is poised to hold a presidential election that none of its…