Facebook Oldies
I'm embarrassed to say that after reading Newsweek's recent cover story on…
Is 'terrorist threat' to America another Bush-Cheney fabrication?
In the most massive racial profiling since Japanese-Americans were herded into detention…
Retiring Mugabe
At least for purposes of public consumption, southern Africa's political leaders continue…
It's not a clash between Christians and Muslims
It is important to emphasize at the outset that the wars and…
The Montreal Protocol: A model of global cooperation
Yesterday we commemorated the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Montreal…
A star is jailed
Joseph Estrada, the disgraced former president of the Philippines, faces the prospect…
Looking at alternatives
Al-Qaeda is generally viewed as a global threat bent on changing the…
Soccer unites children
On the first day of Camp Coexistence, kids tended to stick with…