Tag: Wael Ghonim

Saudi Shias and the 'fire inside' of national dialogue

The Saudi Shia news service Al-Rasid released its second annual human rights…

Daily News Egypt

With a Grain of Salt

Absolute Freedom for AllI do not agree at all with those who…

Daily News Egypt

An Israeli view: We want peace but oppose terrorism

Forty years after the June 1967 war, peace between Israelis and Palestinians…

Daily News Egypt

A Palestinian view: It's either the occupation or peace

It has now been 40 years since the Israeli military occupation of…

Daily News Egypt

Fatwas and modernity

LONDON: Almost two years ago the citizens of London were victims of…

Daily News Egypt

Why rush a national-unity government?

Negotiations to create a new national-unity government have hit a brick wall,…

Daily News Egypt

The challenge of American and Arab fundamentalism

FLORIDA: In the ongoing tension between the United States and the Arab…

Daily News Egypt

Arab and Jewish Americans see eye-to-eye, says poll

WASHINGTON, DC: We were a little anxious when we decided to jointly…

Daily News Egypt

Beyond the Maid's crisis: Towards a National Migration Policy

The cooperation protocol with Saudi Arabia signed by the Minister of Manpower…

Daily News Egypt

A Gulf on fire, if you haven't noticed

The Gulf states often attract attention for their fast pace of physical…

Rami G. Khouri