Tag: Wael Ghonim

After the Winograd report, can Olmert survive?

After Israel's inability last summer to achieve a conclusive victory over Hezbollah…

Daily News Egypt

What can be done at Sharm El-Sheikh

No one fears instability and violence in Iraq more than the Iraqis…

Daily News Egypt

How the EU can extend meaningful help to Darfur

For four years, violence and terror have ruled in Darfur. After many…

Joschka Fischer

Accepting the other in Palestine

Drums of war were beating in early June 1967 in the waning…

Daily News Egypt

The Quartet's aims, or American policy by another name

The Palestinians have long sought, and Israel has long resisted, the internationalization…

Daily News Egypt

Time for someone else to repair Wolfowitz's damage

Reading some of the shrill comments posted online by World Bank staffers…

David Ignatius

The Winograd report only provokes Arab disdain

A combination of vindication, disdain, and renewed concerns about Israeli militarism are…

Rami G. Khouri

Avoiding the chaos of two governments

Is it true that Michel Aoun recently visited Damascus and was told…

Daily News Egypt

Constructive currents flow below Middle Eastern civil society

We are often so obsessed with the problems and conflicts that define…

Rami G. Khouri

The US and Iran are near a dialogue

Sometimes big developments are hidden in plain sight, and that appears to…

David Ignatius