Tag: Wael Ghonim

What the 'poor sots' of the world know about globalization

In 1919, the world humbly bore the loss of one of its…

Daily News Egypt

Egypt 2006: age, melancholy and usual vows of better

Cairo: Early in 2006, Transparency International, a Berlin-based assessment bureau, announced that…

Daily News Egypt

Why I do not celebrate Eid (or beware the calamities of 2007)

It is customary for Muslims to greet one another with the celebratory…

Firas Al-Atraqchi

From Peacekeeping to Peace Consolidation in Burundi

At the end of December, the United Nations Mission in Burundi (ONUB)…

Daily News Egypt

Fouad Ajami, or the dangers of the foreigner's gift

Coincidentally, I was reading Fouad Ajami's new book, "The Foreigner's Gift: the…

Rami G. Khouri

Only renewed multilateralism can save America

The realization in the United States that the war in Iraq has…

Joschka Fischer

The reality show of George W. Bush's struggle

Watching US President George W. Bush in recent weeks has become a…

David Ignatius

Israel's December Report: Three Clues for 2007

Israeli government officials in charge of conducting an end-of-year review cannot be…

Daily News Egypt

The emergence of cosmopolitan solidarity

As globalization proceeds, with the help of ever-faster communications, faster travel, and…

Daily News Egypt

Kuwait: Is the beginning of real politics taking place?

Kuwaitis describe the country's current Parliament with an apparent contradiction: "The opposition…

Daily News Egypt