Tag: Wael Ghonim

All we are saying is give peace a chance

KIBBUTZ KETURA, Israel: A few years ago, long before he was named…

Daily News Egypt

The global impact of America's health care debate

CAMBRIDGE: Since assuming the presidency earlier this year, Barack Obama's primary legislative…

Daily News Egypt

Palestinian reconciliation through the ballot box

BRUSSELS: Cursed as they are with bad leadership, the sad saga of…

Daily News Egypt

Surfacing submarine

I am often asked these days why Turkey s ruling Justice and…


On opposite trajectories

Syria could not be more ecstatic at the row that has recently…

Daily News Egypt

Educating for tolerant thinking within a conflict zone

BEER SHEBA, Israel: Educating children in a conflict zone is no simple…

Daily News Egypt

Rewarding Hope

PARIS: By awarding its Peace Prize for 2009 to Barack Obama, the…

Daily News Egypt

Israeli, Palestinian teens talk peace

CHICAGO, Illinois: Although Israelis and Palestinians have been meeting and communicating at…

Daily News Egypt

Editorial: Egypt's H1N1 policy between clarity and chaos

CAIRO: Ever since the outbreak of swine flu in Mexico last April…

Rania Al Malky

Yemen: snapshot of a potential future

The conflict, or should one say, the conflicts in Yemen arise from…

Daily News Egypt