Tag: Wael Ghonim

In fractured Lebanon, starting reconciliation at a young age

JOUN, Southern Lebanon: Some Lebanese, especially those with a sense of irony,…

Daily News Egypt

No time for complacency

LONDON: After years of rapid growth, the countries of Eastern Europe have…

Daily News Egypt

A new approach to US aid in the Muslim world

EAST MEREDITH, New York: The American University of Beirut (AUB), from which…

Daily News Egypt

The return of 1948

TEL AVIV: The forthcoming United Nation's conference commemorating the 60th anniversary of…

Daily News Egypt

What do Muslim women want?

NEW YORK: When caricature takes the place of dialogue, everyone suffers -…

Daily News Egypt

Accounting for Gaza

NEW YORK: This week the United Nations Human Rights Council will debate…

Daily News Egypt

Normative dialogue: A necessary path toward Arab-Jewish reconciliation

NEW JERSEY: In the concluding remarks of his courageous speech on human…

Daily News Egypt

Roman Polanski's American Dream

NEW YORK: What purpose is Switzerland serving by jailing the renowned Franco-Polish…

Ian Buruma

Israeli and Palestinian views of history and the search for peace

JERUSALEM: How do you make peace with someone whose entire view of…

Daily News Egypt

Now is Our Time

New York: Every September, the world's leaders gather at the United Nations…

Daily News Egypt